
Analysis of motor application field

Date:2021-10-27 10:10:01 Read:

Micro motors are used more and more widely in modern cars. Micro motors are used in ABS system, electronic suspension system, electronic power steering machine and electronic accelerator of some cars. With the development of automotive electronics, micro motor is becoming more and more important. Automobile micro motor is widely used in automobile. In addition to the starter for starting the engine, the motors distributed in all parts of the car are micro motors.

In the past, automobile micromotors were only used as the power source of wiper, windshield washer, electric oil pump, automatic antenna and other components, and the number was relatively small. Now cars focus on the pursuit of ride comfort and automatic manipulation. Micro motor has become an indispensable part of modern cars.

Shangpu consulting machinery industry analyst pointed out that the prospect of automobile micro motor is very broad. As the world's largest automobile manufacturing and consumption country, China's automobile industry will maintain a compound growth rate of 10% - 15% in the next 5-10 years. With the further increase of automobile electronization, the growth rate of automobile micro motor market capacity can be maintained at more than 15% for a long time. Therefore, capital is also very popular in the automotive micro motor market.

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