
Development trend of cutting machine

Date:2021-10-27 10:11:27 Read:

With the development of modern mechanical processing industry, the requirements for cutting quality and accuracy are constantly improving, and the requirements for improving production efficiency, reducing production cost and having high intelligent automatic cutting function are also improving. The development of NC cutting machine must meet the requirements of the development of modern mechanical processing industry.

1. Development of CNC cutting machine. From the application of several general NC cutting machines, the function and performance of NC flame cutting machine have been relatively perfect. Its material cutting limitations (only cutting carbon steel plate), slow cutting speed and low production efficiency, its scope of application is gradually narrowing, and the market is unlikely to increase greatly.

Plasma cutting machine has the characteristics of wide cutting range (cutting all metal materials), fast cutting speed and high working efficiency. The future development direction lies in the improvement of plasma power supply technology and the cooperation between NC system and plasma cutting, such as the increase of power supply power can cut thicker plates; The perfection and improvement of fine plasma technology can improve the cutting speed, cutting quality and cutting accuracy; The improvement and improvement of NC system to adapt to plasma cutting can effectively improve work efficiency and cutting quality.

Laser cutting machine has the characteristics of high cutting speed, high precision and good cutting quality. Laser cutting technology has always been a high-tech supported and promoted by the state. In particular, the government emphasizes the revitalization of the manufacturing industry, which brings development opportunities to the application of laser cutting technology. When the State formulates the medium and long-term development plan, it also lists laser cutting as the key supporting technology, because it involves national security

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