
Development of inverter welding and cutting equipment

Date:2021-10-27 10:07:28 Read:

Inverter welding and cutting equipment has developed rapidly since it was launched in the 1970s. It has been widely used in developed countries in the 1980s. In Europe, America and other developed countries, inverter welding and cutting equipment has gradually replaced traditional welding and cutting equipment and become the mainstream of welding and cutting equipment. At present, the use ratio of inverter welding and cutting equipment has reached 60% ~ 70%.

The research and development of inverter welding machine in China started in the late 1970s and began to develop in the 1980s. In 1982, Chengdu Electric Welding Machine Research Institute began the research on thyristor inverter arc welding rectifier, developed the first commercial zx7-250 thyristor inverter welding and cutting equipment in China in 1983, and passed the ministerial appraisal of the project. Subsequently, Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of technology, South China University of technology and other units successively launched inverter welding machines with various switching elements. Now, China's inverter welding machine has formed three generations of products, and is now moving forward to the fourth generation of emerging digital inverter welding machine. The first generation is thyristor inverter welding machine, and its inverter frequency is 2 ~ 3kHz. The second generation is a high-power transistor inverter welder with an inverter frequency of nearly 20kHz. The third generation is the insulated gate semiconductor switching device (IGBT module, single tube MOSFET) inverter welding machine. The inverter frequency can be increased to more than 15 ~ 100kHz, which has become the mainstream of inverter welding machine. Since 2007, single tube IGBT inverter welding and cutting equipment has gradually sprung up. According to different market needs, such as welding effect, working environment and reliability, IGBT module, single tube MOSFET Single tube IGBT inverter welding and cutting equipment has its own application fields. IGBT module is used for industrial machines (350A ~ 1600A products). Single tube MOSFET is suitable for small models. The market is mainly used for products below 250A (some company products can be used for 125A ~ 400A products). Single tube IGBT is mainly used for 250A ~ 400A products. The application fields overlap, but can not completely replace each other, It is expected that they will coexist for a long time in the future and jointly occupy most of the market share. The fourth generation is a new digital inverter welding machine, which is still in its infancy and still lags behind the international top welding machine brands.

In the early 1990s, the first, second and third generation arc welding inverters with multiple specifications have been successfully studied in many universities and research institutes, and gradually entered small batch production, but the mass production and large-area promotion and application of inverter welding machines are relatively slow, mainly due to poor product reliability and high repair rate; Low market awareness at the initial stage of product launch; In addition, at that time, the high unit price of raw materials such as semiconductor power devices resulted in high production costs, resulting in higher market sales prices than traditional welding machines

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