
Brief description of application fields

Electroplating power supply, also known as rectifier, is a device used to generate current in electroplating. Current passing through the plating tank is a necessary condition for electroplating. The metal coating on the plated part is formed by electrochemical reaction when the current flows through the plating tank. Generally used in electroplating, aluminum oxidation, electrolysis and other fields.

After years of development, electroplating industry has become an indispensable part of China's industrial system, ranging from a screw to automobiles, aircraft and ships. At the same time, the market scale of the electroplating industry showed steady growth. In 2011, the market scale of China's electroplating industry reached 82.68 billion yuan. In 2013, the market scale of China's electroplating industry exceeded 100 billion yuan. By 2017, the market scale of China's electroplating industry had increased to 148.78 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.4%. It is preliminarily estimated that the market scale of China's electroplating industry will be close to 160 billion yuan in 2018, reaching about 159.66 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.31%.

Schematic diagram of electroplating power supply

Solution Brief

The structural design, current margin, magnetic bias or saturation of main transformer and driving scheme of the whole machine are analyzed, and a good matching scheme is given in combination with the waveform temperature rise.

Product recommendation

The following power devices are used in electroplating power supply industry.

Product Name VCES[V] IC @100℃[A] VCE(sat), typ @25℃[V] If@100℃[A] Eoff, typ @25℃[mJ] tsc, typ @125℃[μs] package
TPM450GB120KHF2D1 1200 450 1.8 450 51.7 10 (min) 2-PACK Module (62mm)
TPM300GB120KMFD1 1200 300 2 300 19 10 (min) 2-PACK Module (62mm)
TPM200GB120KMFD1 1200 200 2 200 11.1 10 (min) 2-PACK Module (62mm)
TPM100GB120RMFD1 1200 100 2 100 3.7 10 (min) 2-PACK Module (34mm)

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