


Company profile

Shanghai Daojing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. - is a professional supplier of electronic components.

Shanghai Daojing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. - is a professional supplier of electronic components. It is the special agent in China of many famous electronic manufacturers at home and abroad: Fuji, Silan, TRinno, JSAB, Lu-semi, Global power, Oriental semi, Infineon, ON semi and other famous power device manufacturers. Our company specializes in providing all-round services for inverter welding machine, electric vehicle controller, switching power supply, inverter power supply, variable frequency power supply, vehicle power supply, charging pile and other industries. The company has a strong marketing network, which can provide users with various series of famous brand components and power devices at home and abroad, and can also find popular and discontinued varieties for users. Whether it's an electronics factory, research institute or dealer, you can find what you need. It enjoys a good commercial reputation in high-tech fields such as fire protection, instrumentation, communication, shipbuilding industry, automatic control and scientific research. The company has excellent corporate culture, perfect management system, sound marketing network, capable business team and long-term development strategy

Corporate culture

Everyone's Daojing, common cause
  • Corporate culture is the spiritual

    Corporate culture is the spiritual pillar and source of strength of Daojing. Daojing takes corporate culture as an effective management method and sustainable development strategy, always adheres to the concept of "quality makes dreams"
  • Talents are the fundamental strategic

    Talents are the fundamental strategic resources for enterprise development. Path innovation promotes the talent project of "condensing people with career, attracting people with environment, encouraging dancers with spirit, moving enterprises with mechanism and retaining people with good development prospects"
  • Enterprises create a harmonious culture,

    "Enterprises create a harmonious culture, and culture contains the power of innovation". Corporate culture is the coagulant and catalyst for enterprise development. Only the culture suitable for enterprise development can attract the talents needed by the enterprise, give full play to the potential of enterprise employees.

Marketing network

Perfect management system and perfect marketing network
  • Shanghai headquarters

    Shanghai headquarters

    East and North China markets, application fields: welding machine
  • Shenzhen branch office

    Shenzhen branch office

    South China market, application fields: photovoltaic

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